Grades and Definitions Policy

Grades and Definitions Policy

1.   Statement
2.   Aims
3.   Related policies
4.   Working Grade
5.   Target Grade
6.   Predicted Grade
7.   Determining grades
8.   Entry into Year 12 and Year 13
9.   Further queries

1. Statement
Ashbourne works closely with each student to develop individual learning programmes that best suit their needs and ambitions. Students receive comprehensive support and guidance necessary to help them achieve their goals.

2. Aims
This policy sets out the grading system applied to student performance and potential to help them work towards and reach their targets. This allows the College to make well-informed grade predictions for university applications or alternative pathways.

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3. Related policies

4. Working Grade (WG)
The Working Grade is designed to provide an ‘at-a-glance’ idea of how the student is currently performing. Based on evidence obtained from homework, coursework and tests, on the topics covered so far, the Working Grades are the grades that the subject teachers and Heads of Faculty judge are likely to be achieved at the end of the academic year by the student if they continue to progress at their current academic trajectory. The Working Grade may go up and down throughout the year and should be the most important performance indicator. It is not unusual, especially at an early stage in the course, for Working Grades to be below the final grade achieved.

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5. Target Grade (TG)
The Target Grade is not a Predicted Grade;  it is the grade  teachers believe a student should be aiming to achieve by the end of the academic year. Target Grades can change throughout the year and should be at least a grade higher than the Working Grade.

6. Predicted Grade (PG)
The Predicted Grade is used for UCAS application purposes. When deciding Predicted Grades the College must comply with the principles as outlined by UCAS. In line with these principles, the College  sets aspirational but achievable Predicted Grades. This motivates students to really work towards the Predicted Grade and thereby fulfil their potential.

Predicted Grades will not be influenced by pressure from students, parents, guardians or carers nor influenced by the entry requirements or behaviours of universities or colleges.

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7. Determining grades
The following factors are taken into consideration when determining any of the grades (not exhaustive):

  • Each grade should reflect a student’s performance in the whole subject and not just an individual unit, group or class. This may require teachers to collaborate in order to avoid confusion.
  • Teachers should reflect on the Working Grades from one half-term to another. Changes typically involve one grade shift up or down, for example A to B or C to B. However, in certain circumstances, for example where there has been a dramatic change in the performance of a student, the teacher may move the Working Grade up or down two grades.
  • Typically the Working Grade and Target Grade will not be the same; the Target Grade should be aspirational.
  • Working Grades should be assigned conservatively, especially when they border A and A*. They are not simply set to motivate students.
  • The highest Working Grade and Target Grade for AS level is A, for A level A* and GCSE grade 9.
  • The grades assigned should reflect the year and level at which the student is currently studying. Therefore Year 12 grades should reflect performance, targets and predicted outcomes for Year 12 (AS) examinations and not their final A level results.

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8. Entry into Year 12 and Year 13
Students are expected to attain minimum requirements in order to enter Year 12 and Year 13.

  • GCSE to Year 12 – minimum 6 grade 6s for GCSE examinations
  • Year 12 to Year 13  – minimum 3Cs for AS examinations

9.  Further queries
If students have any queries or concerns with regard to this policy these should be raised with the Director of Studies.

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Authorised by The Principal
Date September 2023
Effective date of the policy September 2023
Circulation Teaching staff / all staff / parents / students on request
Review date September 2026
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