Staff Induction and Registration

Ashbourne staff each complete an induction so they are fully prepared and confident to begin their role at Ashbourne.

Welcome to Ashbourne

It is essential that every new staff member completes their Induction at Ashbourne, so that they are ready to start their role at Ashbourne and understand Ashbourne’s values, expectations and procedures. Staff induction will consist of important meetings with various members of staff. Details of this can be found in the requirements below.

It is a new staff member’s legal responsibility to complete certain elements of the induction, particularly those surrounding safeguarding, before commencing their role at Ashbourne. Although you will complete all of your induction, we have outlined the induction process in terms of what the Department for Education sets out in Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) and Ashbourne’s internal induction programme.

The Head of Administration and other senior members of staff are more than happy to assist if you have any concerns or queries about the staff induction process.

Statutory Requirements, DfE
Induction: Statutory Guidance and Policies

Meeting with the Head of Administration

All new staff have online access to Ashbourne policies and will be fully briefed on the following key guidance and policies:

*Staff are required to read the updated KCSIE on a yearly basis as part of their ongoing training.

All staff are also required to complete the online Prevent Awareness Training course in compliance with the Ofsted legal framework. The Prevent Duty is part of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015.  Ashbourne teachers will need to provide evidence that they have completed this training. See point 18. in Documentation Requirements below. 

Induction: Safeguarding, part 1

Meeting with the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL).

  • Early help. All staff should be aware of the local early help process and understand their role in it. 
  • Referrals. All staff should be aware of the process for making referrals to children’s social care and for statutory assessments under the Children Act 1989, especially section 17 (children in need) and section 47 (a child suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm) that may follow a referral, along with the role they might be expected to play in such assessments. 
  • Disclosures. All staff should know what to do if a child tells them they are being abused or neglected. Staff should know how to manage the requirement to maintain an appropriate level of confidentiality. This means only involving those who need to be involved, such as the designated safeguarding lead (or a deputy) and children’s social care. Staff should never promise a child that they will not tell anyone about a report of abuse, as this may ultimately not be in the best interests of the child. 
  • Allegations of abuse and low-level concerns about staff. All staff should understand the difference between allegations of abuse about staff and low-level concerns about staff, and understand the procedures for handling both.  
  • e-Safety. All staff should understand their role and responsibilities in relation to maintaining a safe environment for students to learn and work online, including filtering and monitoring online activity.
Ashbourne Requirements
Induction: Safeguarding, part 2

Meeting with the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) for all staff.

5 Golden RULES of Safeguarding:

R – Legal duty to REPORT crimes and serious safeguarding concerns.

U – UNDERSTAND who the DSL and Safeguarding Team are.

L – LOG all safeguarding concerns in writing, using the secure system.

E – ENSURE you follow up any concerns.

S – SAFEGUARDING trumps everything, including data protection.

Staff will cover Ashbourne’s Safeguarding procedures and protocols, specific safeguarding issues, contextual issues and special support measures for vulnerable students, registering attendance and e-Safety.

The College notifies the local authority of all statutory school aged Starters and Leavers outside of normal term times.

Health and Safety; other important information

Meeting with Compliance Officer for all staff.

  • Receive a Health and Safety Tour – including the Fire Safety Policy and evacuation.
  • Ensure that all staff are aware of the First Aid Policy.
  • Receive access codes to the building and other important rooms.
  • Issued with lanyard and lanyard expectations.
  • Ensure that all staff documentation are received and satisfied.
Registers, cover lessons, staff absence, reports, mocks and behaviour share

Meeting with Senior College Administrator and Attendance Officer for all staff.

  • How and when to take a register.
  • Attendance codes for students.
  • Student absence protocol.
  • Staff absence protocol.
  • Cover lessons.
  • Cover work and how this is set.
  • How input reports and grades onto the database.
  • Explain how Mock Week works.
  • How to log behaviour shares.


Teaching and learning

Meeting with Head of Faculty for teaching staff.

  • Fully aware of the exams boards and where students are in the scheme of work.
  • Background info relating to student lists. Staff should be made aware of university aspirations, degree paths and other relevant details.
  • Understand Ashbourne’s grading, marking and testing policy.
  • Internal database for logging grades and mock results.
  • Classroom management expectations.
  • Timetable and classes.
  • The structure of the college day.
  • Introduction to members of the faculty and other staff.
  • Exam results (where appropriate).
  • Examination board log-in details.
  • Mock examinations.
  • How lesson observations and appraisals are conducted.
  • Faculty meetings throughout the term.
  • College trips and how administration of this is conducted.
  • Aware of staff expectations regarding Parents’ Evening and Open Evening.
  • CPD/training.
Operations functions

Meeting with Head of Administration for operations staff.

  • Introduced to all members of the operations staff and key members of teaching staff.
  • Introduced to Ashbourne IT system.
  • The structure of the college day.
  • Run through the job description for the role.
  • Reception expectations
  • The Admin Handbook.
  • Staff training opportunities.

Meeting with Head of IT and Facilities for all staff.

  • Laptop and logins (if applicable to role).
  • Photocopiers and printers.
  • Scanning documents.
  • Cameras in the classroom and how these work.
  • Google Meet and Ashbourne’s online distance learning protocol.
  • Reporting a facilities issue.
  • Ensure staff are aware of the e-Safety Policy and Acceptable Use Agreement.
  • Ensure staff are aware of their mutual responsibilities with regards to GDPR and data protection.

Meeting with Finance Officer for all staff.

  • Monthly pay claim (for hourly paid staff).
  • Salary information.
  • Ordering teaching resources.
  • Pension information.
Employment contract and timetable

Meeting with Head of Administration for all staff.

  • Employment contract.
  • Teaching timetable and discuss availability for teaching.
  • Easter revision teaching information.
Applying to Ashbourne - required documentation
1. Application and suitability forms

Statutory requirement

Please complete all sections of the application form and ensure you include email addresses for each referee. We do not accept CVs as an alternative.

Application form (download form here)
Suitability form (download form here)

2. Employment history

Statutory requirement

Please list all of your employment history including months and years, in chronological order.

Employment history (download form here)

3. References

Statutory requirement

We will request at least two written references, one of which must be your most recent employer. Please ensure the details for these are complete on your application form. We will then follow up all written references verbally.

4. ID & right to work document

Statutory requirement

Please bring in your original passport to the registration appointment (even if you have already sent us scanned copies).

If you are not a British Citizen, we will need to check your right to work in the UK.

5. Proof of address

Please provide two proofs of address in the form of:

  • Bank statement (dated within the last three months)
  • Credit card statement (dated within the last three months)
  • Benefit statement such as Child Benefit
  • Pension letter (dated within the last three months)
  • P45/P60 (dated within the last 12 months)
  • Utility bill (dated within the last 3 months) (mobile phone bills are not accepted)
  • Driving license
6. Address history

Please state all previous addresses and period (month/year) you have lived at in the last five years if different from your current address, in chronological order.

Address history (download form here)

7. Qualifications

Statutory requirement

Please provide original copies of degree level qualifications and any other relevant qualifications such as QTS, PGCE, etc.

8. Overseas check

Statutory requirement

If you have spent more than three consecutive months overseas (living or working) in the last five years, please ensure you provide a certificate from the police confirming that you have no criminal record during your stay. We require one certificate for each country that you have lived or worked in for more than three consecutive months. The certificates must be in English or, if not, translated and certified by the Embassy.

9. Medical fitness declaration

Statutory requirement

New staff will need to complete a medical fitness questionnaire. The questionnaire is hosted by Medigold Health on behalf of Ashbourne College and all personal details will be kept confidential and secure.

You will also need to complete the Medical Fitness Declaration stating you are fit to work in your role at Ashbourne.

Medical fitness declaration (download form here)

All required documentation (office use only)
Documentation Requirements FOR OFFICE USE ONLY (Statutory requirement Yes/No)
1. Application form (download form here)
Suitability form (download form here)
Please complete all sections of the application form and ensure you include email addresses for each referee. We do not accept CVs as an alternative. Yes
2. Employment history (download form here) In chronological order, please list all of your employment history including months and years. Yes
3. References We will request at least two written references, one of which must be your most recent employer. Please ensure the details for these are complete on your application form. We will then follow up all written references verbally. Yes
4. ID & right to work document Please bring in your original passport to the registration appointment (even if you have already sent us scanned copies).

If you are not a British Citizen, we will need to check your right to work in the UK.

5. Proof of address Please provide two proofs of address in the form of:

  • Bank statement (dated within the last three months)
  • Credit card statement (dated within the last three months)
  • Benefit statement such as Child Benefit
  • Pension letter (dated within the last three months)
  • P45/P60 (dated within the last 12 months)
  • Utility bill (dated within the last 3 months) (mobile phone bills are not accepted)
  • Driving license
6. Address history (download form here) In chronological order, please state all previous addresses and period (month/year) you have lived at in the last five years if different from your current address. No
7. Qualification/s Please provide original copies of degree level qualifications and any other relevant qualifications such as QTS, PGCE, etc Yes
8. Overseas check If you have spent more than three consecutive months overseas (living or working) in the last five years, please ensure you provide a certificate from the police confirming that you have no criminal record during your stay. We require one certificate for each country that you have lived or worked in for more than three consecutive months. The certificates must be in English or, if not, translated and certified by the Embassy. Yes
9. Medical fitness declaration (download form here)/ Health questionnaire New staff will need to complete a medical fitness questionnaire. The questionnaire is hosted by Medigold Health on behalf of Ashbourne College and all personal details will be kept confidential and secure.

You will also need to complete the Medical Fitness Declaration stating you are fit to work in your role at Ashbourne.

10. Finance form (download form here) Please complete the financial information required. No
11. Equal opportunities (download form here) Please download and complete all sections. No
12. Next of kin (download form here) Please provide details of you next of kin, in case we have to contact them in an emergency. No
13. Staff privacy notice (download form here) Please read the privacy notice and sign the declaration form if all is clear to you. No
14. Acceptable Use Agreement Please read the policy and sign the declaration form. No
15. Photography and video permission (download form here) Ashbourne uses photographs and videos on its website and for promotional purposes. Please read the document and sign the declaration, if you agree. No
16. ODL contract (download form here) All staff are required to read and carefully review the Online Distance Learning Agreement. It outlines the College’s expectations on how teachers should conduct themselves when teaching and communicating remotely. Please read this document and sign the declaration, if you agree. No
17. Contract and employment offer Please take time to read the terms and conditions stated in the Standard Contract and offer of employment. Note that an employment contract will only be issued once all pre-employment checks are completed and satisfied. Yes
18. Prevent duty training All staff are required to complete the online Prevent Awareness Training course in compliance with the Ofsted legal framework. Ashbourne teachers will need to provide evidence that they have completed this training by printing automatically generated certificates.

The Prevent Duty is part of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015. It gives guidelines for education providers so they understand how to identify and help prevent children and young adults being drawn into terrorism. Protecting children and young adults from the risk of radicalisation is considered part of a wider safeguarding duty, and is similar in nature to protecting children from other harms (e.g. drugs, gangs, neglect, sexual exploitation), whether these come from within their family or are the product of outside influences. For further information about schools’ responsibilities in relation to Prevent visit the government Prevent Duty Guidance website. For wider information about Prevent and how the process works visit Educate Against Hate.

19. Child protection policy declaration (download form here) Please read Ashbourne’s Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy in full on our website. Please also read Part 1, Annex A of Department for Education Keeping Children Safe in Education document . All staff must re-read the policy and document annually.

You will meet with our DSL as part of your induction and once you have completed this induction and you have read the relevant policies you must sign the downloadable form to confirm this.

In addition to this, you will receive a link to your email asking you to complete an online child protection training course. This online course will give you essential child protection training and will ask you to complete a test at the end.  You must achieve more than 80% to pass this course. We will then generate your certificate from the postal.

20. First aid and fire marshall training Depending on your role at Ashbourne, you may be assigned with a link to complete our online first aid and fire marshall training. Once completed your certificate will be posted to the address you have stated on the portal. No
21. Staff handbook Please take time to read the Staff Handbook Part 1 and Part 2. No
22. Ashbourne mission and value statement Please take time to read our mission and value statements. (PDF) No
23. Teaching standards Please also consult the Department for Education’s Teachers’ Standards which will form the basis for appraising teaching performance at the college. No
24. Ashbourne College’s policies All of Ashbourne policies are located centrally on the college website, please do make sure you are aware of these. No
Starting with Ashbourne - required documentation
1. Finance form

Please complete the financial information required.

Finance form (download form here)

2. Equal opportunities

Please download and complete all sections.

Equal opportunities (download form here)

3. Next of kin

Please provide details of you next of kin, in case we have to contact them in an emergency.

Next of kin (download form here)

4. Staff privacy notice

Please read the privacy notice and sign the declaration form if all is clear to you.

Staff privacy notice (download form here)

5. Acceptable Use of ICT Agreement

Please read the policy and sign the declaration form.

Acceptable Use of ICT Agreement

6. Photography and video permission

Ashbourne uses photographs and videos on its website and for promotional purposes. Please read the document and sign the declaration, if you agree.

Photography and video permission (download form here)

7. ODL contract

All staff are required to read and carefully review the Online Distance Learning Agreement. It outlines the College’s expectations on how teachers should conduct themselves when teaching and communicating remotely. Please read this document and sign the declaration, if you agree.

ODL contract (download form here)

8. Contract and employment offer

Statutory requirement

Please take time to read the terms and conditions stated in the Standard Contract and offer of employment. Note that an employment contract will only be issued once all pre-employment checks are completed and satisfied.

9. Prevent duty training

All staff are required to complete the online Prevent Awareness Training course in compliance with the Ofsted legal framework. Ashbourne teachers will need to provide evidence that they have completed this training by printing automatically generated certificates.

The Prevent Duty is part of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015. It gives guidelines for education providers so they understand how to identify and help prevent children and young adults being drawn into terrorism. Protecting children and young adults from the risk of radicalisation is considered part of a wider safeguarding duty, and is similar in nature to protecting children from other harms (e.g. drugs, gangs, neglect, sexual exploitation), whether these come from within their family or are the product of outside influences.

For further information about schools’ responsibilities in relation to Prevent visit the government Prevent Duty Guidance website. For wider information about Prevent and how the process works visit Educate Against Hate.

10. Child protection policy declaration

Statutory requirement

Please read Ashbourne’s Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy in full on our website. Please also read Part 1, Annex A of Department for Education Keeping Children Safe in Education document. All staff must re-read the policy and document annually.

You will meet with our DSL as part of your induction and once you have completed this induction and you have read the relevant policies you must sign the downloadable form to confirm this.

In addition to this, you will receive a link to your email asking you to complete an online child protection training course. This online course will give you essential child protection training and will ask you to complete a test at the end.  You must achieve more than 80% to pass this course. We will then generate your certificate from the postal.

Child protection policy declaration (download form here)

11. First aid and fire marshall training

Depending on your role at Ashbourne, you may be assigned with a link to complete our online first aid and fire marshall training. Once completed your certificate will be posted to the address you have stated on the portal.

Staff Handbooks, standards and policies
Staff Handbook, part 1

Please take time to read the Staff Handbook, part 1, which sets out the college ethos, expectations, procedures and protocols.

Staff Handbook, part 2

Please take time to read the Staff Handbook, part 2, which includes staff policies and procedures.

Ashbourne mission and value statement

Please take time to read our mission and value statements. (PDF)

Teachers' standards

Please also consult the Department for Education’s Teachers’ Standards which will form the basis for appraising teaching performance at the college.

Ashbourne College policies

All of Ashbourne’s compulsory and college policies are located centrally on the college website, please do make sure you are aware of these.

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