Administration of Medicine Policy

1. Statement
This policy applies to all students at the College and addresses staff administration of medication to those in the care of the College. This policy should be read in conjunction with the First Aid Policy.
2. Aims
Our aim is to implement and maintain an effective management system for the administration of medicines to all students in our care in order to ensure that the College provides support to individual students with medical needs.
3.Liaising with parents
The College promotes ongoing communication with parents in order to ensure that the specific medical needs of all students in our care are known and met. Parents must inform the Director of Studies if their child develops a medical condition which will require either prescription or non-prescription medication to be taken at College and of any changes to the medication required.
The College requests that medication is only taken at College if it is essential, that it is where it would be detrimental to the student’s health not to administer the medication during the College day. Where possible, medicines should be taken at home, before and after attending College.
Staff at the College will not administer any medication to a student without obtaining prior written permission from his or her parents. This requirement will not prevent a child of sufficient understanding and intelligence to understand fully what is proposed, from giving or withholding consent to medical treatment or from seeking advice or treatment in confidence.
Where parents have provided written permission for medication to be administered, a note will be made on the student database and parents may request to see these notes.
4. Personal care plans
Where a student has long term or complex health or personal needs, the Director of Studies will establish a personal care plan for the student in consultation with the student and the student’s parents which will then be communicated to staff with a need to know its content.
The Director of Studies will be responsible for the plan’s maintenance and ensuring it is followed effectively.
5. Training
Staff at Ashbourne College are not trained in the administration of medicine. We expect parents/guardians to make us aware of any medicines that students are required to take throughout the course of the College day. Unless we are informed otherwise, it will be assumed that the student is aware of how and when to administer the medicine themselves. Should the College admit a student who has a specific medical need requiring assistance in the administration of medicine by a staff member, we would seek to ensure that staff members undertook the relevant training.
If not already medically qualified, the relevant members of staff will receive appropriate training and support from a qualified health professional, including training on the side effects of medication and what to do if they occur. If the administration of medication involves any medical procedures, the qualified health professional will provide written confirmation that the member of staff is proficient in the procedure.
Where it is identified that the administration of prescription medication to a student requires technical, medical or other specialist knowledge, appropriate individual training tailored to the individual student will be undertaken by appropriate staff from a qualified health professional.
6. Medical records and consent
Parents of students who require medication prescribed by a doctor must discuss this with the appropriate Head of Year or Director of Studies prior to the administration of the medication.
Staff administering medicines will make an entry into the appropriate student database each time a medicine is administered. These records are separate from NHS records and contain the name of the student, the date and details of the administration of medication, the reason for administration if not prescribed and the record will be signed by the administering member of staff. Written records of all medication administered to every student are retained by the Director of Studies and relevant records can be provided, subject always to the law on data protection, to parents on request. These records are regularly reviewed by the Director of Studies.
7. Prescription and non-prescription medication
As a general rule, staff will not administer any medication that has not been prescribed for that particular student by a doctor, dentist, nurse or pharmacist.
Staff are not trained in homeopathy and therefore the College will not administer any form of homeopathic medicine.
Staff may only administer non-prescription medication such as pain and fever relief if the Parents have already provided their written consent for this to happen in relation to specific medicines and only if there is a health reason to do so. Parents will be asked to confirm that the student has not suffered an adverse reaction to the medication in the past.
No student shall be given medicine containing aspirin unless prescribed for that particular student by a doctor.
8. Administration of medication
Students receiving medication will be asked to attend the office of the staff member administering the medicine at prescribed times during the course of the medication to receive their treatment.
All medicines supplied to the College by parents must be provided in the original container as dispensed by the pharmacist and include the prescriber’s instructions for administration. Staff administering medication will check the student’s name, the name of the medication, the prescribed dose, the expiry date, the method of administration, the time/frequency of administration, any side effects and the written instructions on the container before providing the medicine to the students.
If Staff are in any doubt over the procedure to be followed, the Parents will be contacted before action is taken.
If a student refuses their medication, the Staff will record this and contact the Parents as soon as possible.
9. Storage of medication
Medicines are always securely stored in accordance with individual product instructions.
The College will carry out a risk assessment to consider any risks to the health and safety of the College community and put in place measures to ensure that identified risks are managed and that medicines are stored safely.
All medicines shall be stored in the original container in which they were dispensed, together with the prescriber’s instructions for administration.
Students may carry their own emergency medication. However, if parents or guardians require the College to store any emergency medication such as reliever inhalers and adrenaline pens, they will be kept in the Director of Studies’ Office in a clearly marked box, but in order to allow immediate access the box will not be locked. In the case of medication which is not required in an emergency, the student will be told where their medication is stored and who holds the key.
Students who do not carry and administer their own medication understand which members of staff will administer their medication.
If a student is prescribed a controlled drug, it will be kept in safe custody in a locked, non-portable container and only named staff and the student will have access.
Parents should collect all medicines belonging to their student at the end of each term and are responsible for ensuring that any date-expired medication is collected from the College.
10. Emergency procedures
In the event of an emergency related to the administration of medicine, a trained first aider should be called as soon as possible, if not already present. If the trained first aider does not consider that she or she is able to deal with the presenting condition, then they should continue any first aid or medical procedures being provided whilst another person summons emergency medical care. This does not however affect the ability of any person to contact the emergency services in the event of a medical emergency. Staff should always dial 999 for the emergency services in the event of a serious medical emergency before implementing the terms of this Policy and make clear arrangements for liaison with the ambulance services on the College site.
11. Off-site visits and sporting events
If a student attending an off-site visit or sporting event cannot self-medicate, they will be accompanied by a member of staff who has received appropriate training to administer the medication in accordance with this Policy.
All students requiring preventative medicine (particularly for sport), if sufficiently competent to self-medicate, are responsible for carrying their medication with them. If not sufficiently competent, a member of staff shall carry the medication, individually labelled.
Secure storage for medicines will be available at all short-term accommodation used by the College.
12. Review
This Policy and its procedures will be reviewed by the senior leadership team.